Terms and Conditions

  • All sales are final and firm. Most global purchases are protected by Distance Selling Regulations, allowing buyers to cancel an order within a minimum of 14 days
  • The intellectual property disclosure will inform users that the content, logo and other visual media created are the property of naapairpr.com and are protected by copyright laws.
  • A termination clause will inform you that users' accounts on your website and mobile app or users' access to your website and mobile (if users cannot have an account with you) may be terminated in the event of abuse. or at your sole discretion.
  • A Government Law will inform users of the laws governing the agreement. This should be the country in which you are headquartered or the country from which you operate your website and mobile app.
  • A linking clause will inform users that you are not responsible for any third-party websites you link to. This type of clause will generally inform users that they are responsible for reading and agreeing (or not agreeing) to the Terms and Conditions or Privacy Policies of these third parties.
  • If your website or mobile apps allow users to create content and make that content public to other users, a Content section will inform users that they own the rights to the content they created.
    The “Content” clause usually mentions that users must grant you a license (the website or mobile app developer) so that you can share this content on your website/mobile app and make it available to other users.
    Because content created by users is public to other users, a DMCA (or copyright infringement) notification section is useful to inform users and copyright authors that if any content is detected is a copyright infringement, will respond to any DMCA takedown notice received and remove the content.
  • A limiting clause on what users can do can inform users that by accepting the terms of service, they also agree not to do certain things. This may be part of a very long and exhaustive list in your Terms and Conditions contracts to cover as many negative uses as possible.
  • We remind you that in the event of any refund of money, the service charges + IVU, for orders and Order Fee + IVU, are not refundable. Refunds will be reflected in your account between 9 to 14 business days - so that the funds are released and available for use. All returns are processed to the account with which the purchase originated, meaning the credit card assigned to your order.